Frequently asked questions.

Is there a cost to my organisation?

All equipment, including set up & installation is supplied at no cost to your organisation.

Will a Vending Machine suit my business?

Following your online enquiry, we will arrange a free onsite inspection with your business to discuss the perfect machine & range of products to best suit your business and its needs.

What Payment methods do your machines accept?

All machines are fitted to accept cash, card & mobile payments (please see our COVID Safe tab for more info on cashless options)

Why should choose City First ending over another Major Provider?

Major providers such as Coke are only able to supply a limited range of products which fall under their umbrella of brands. Being an independent operator, City First Vending opens your product selections to an unlimited market, which can be customised to suit the needs of your business.

How do I take the next step towards forming a partnership with City First Vending?

Please head to the CONTACT tab in the menu bar to email or book a discovery call.